№ 20,4 Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в соответствующем времени…

snik71 15 сентября 2023

№ 20,4 Раскройте скобки, употребив глаголы в соответствующем времени, лице и числе. 1. Yesterday (to be) my day off. I usually (to wake up) early on myday off, but dometimes I (not to get up) at once. I (to get up) at eight o'clock yesterday. 2. When you (to have) breakfast yesterday? — I (to have) breakfast at nine in the morning. 3. We usually (to stay) in the country over the week-end, but the weather (to be) bad and we (not to go) to the country tomorrow. 4. When you last (to go) to the theatre? — Two weeks ago. 5. I usually (to go) to bed at eleven o'clock. Yesterday my friends (to come) to see me, and I (to go) to bed at one in the morning. 6. She (not to be) at home now. She (to play) tennis. 7. When your son (to go) to college?

категория: английский язык


1. Yesterday was my day off. I usually wake up early on my day off, but sometimes I don't get up at once. I got up at eight o'clock yesterday. 2. When did you have breakfast yesterday? — I had breakfast at nine in the morning. 3. We usually stay in the country over the week-end, but the weather is bad and we will not go to the country tomorrow. 4. When did you last go to the theatre? — Two weeks ago. 5. I usually go to bed at eleven o'clock. Yesterday my friends came to see me, and I went to bed at one in the morning. 6. She ısn't at home now. She is playing tennis. 7. When will your son go to college?; When did your son go to college?

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