3 Write the sentences. 1 midnight / disappeared / at / Cinderella…

neologic 01 ноября 2023

3 Write the sentences. 1 midnight / disappeared / at / Cinderella /. 2 the / took / Dorothy / them / shoes / and / put / on / red /. 3 turned / The /into / handsome / beast / a / prince /. 4 turned / good / a / The / spell / and / mice / fairy / into / horses / cast /. 5 frog / The / ugly / saw / an / prince / swamp / the / in /. 6 dancing hut / lived / Baba Yaga / in the /. 7 wizard / put on / The / disappeared / a magic cloak / and / 8 gave / good / The / shoes / Cinderella / some / beautiful / fairy / 9 The / mice / was / cowardly / lion / scared of /.

категория: английский язык


1) Cinderella disappeared at midnight2) Dorothy took the red shoes and put them on 3) The beast turned into a handsome prince4) The good fairy spelled a cast and turned mice into horeses5) The prince saw an ugly frog in the swamp6) Baba Yaga lived in the dancing hut7) The wizard put on a magic cloak and disappeared8) The good fairy gave Cinderella some beautiful shoes9) The lion was cowardly scared of mice

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