34 ПУНКТА! you have moved to another city

vasders 08 сентября 2023

34 ПУНКТА! you have moved to another city. Send an email to your friend. In your email write- what the new place is like, how you like it, inviteher to your house- нужен не перевод задания а само задание — выполненное. Минимум 40 слов. Написать емейл-ответ св. Другу

категория: английский язык


Hi, Dan! You know that I've recently moved to another city. I thought it would be full of smoke and stuff, but, you know, there are lots of trees and it looks very nice! I haven't been to all places of interest yet, but I already like it! The architecture here is really impressive and people are very friendly! Hey, what do you think of dropping in at my house? My parents bought me new console, so we can have fun! Write soon. (Твое имя)

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07 сентября 2023
1. If you_____________ (phone) me earlier, we could have bought this book. 2. I can’t stand Mr. Brown! He__________________ (always / tell a lie). 3.Steven______________ (work) at this problem for three months. We’ll be able to see the presentation next week. 4. We________________ (just / buy) a new car. We can go to the see. 5. Before Olga came to London, she___________________ (learn) English for three years. 6. When her mother came home, Helen____________________ (clean) the room since morning. 7. Thank you for_______________ (come) in time. 8. There is no reason in______________ (argue). 9. If the train _________________ (come) in time, we would not have been late at the concert. 10. Yesterday at 5 o’clock Tom _______________ (do) his homework and could not go for a walk. 11. Yesterday by 5 o’clock Tom_______________ (do) his homework and could go for a walk. 12. If you ________________ (phone) me, I would go to the cinema. 13. When her mother came home, she______________ (write) the letter and___________ (go) to the park with her friends. 14. If he _______________ (buy) a car, we’ll go to the see. 15. If he___________________ (buy) a car, we would go to the see. 16. If he____________________ (buy) a car , we would have gone to the see. 17. My father _________________ (work) here for three years. 18. My father__________________ (repair) this car since morning. 19. If I had learned the grammar rules, I __________________ (not /get) a bad mark. 20. If I learned the grammar rules, I_______________________ (not/ get) a bad mark. 21. If I learn the grammar rules, I_______________________ (not / get) a bad mark.

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