35-year-old Carolyn Jenkins, a British photographer,

no_problemz 01 ноября 2023

35-year-old Carolyn Jenkins, a British photographer, (seriously injured/ was seriously injured) by a lion while on safari in South Africa lastweek. She (travelled/ was travelling) with two guides and three students from the University of Kent. The group (approached/ was approached) a lion in their jeep, and Ms Jenkins then left the jeep (took/ to take) pictures. She got very close to the lion before it suddenly (attacked/ was attacked). The guides were able to scare the lion away, and Ms Jenkins (took/ was taken) to hospital. After the incident, the South African Tourist Board (issued/ was issued) a statement warning tourists not to approach wild animals while on safari.

категория: английский язык


35-year-old Carolyn Jenkins, a British photographer, was seriously injured by a lion while on safari in South Africa last week. She was travelling with two guides and three students from the University of Kent. The group approached a lion in their jeep, and Ms Jenkins then left the jeep to take pictures. She got very close to the lion before it suddenly attacked. The guides were able to scare the lion away, and Ms Jenkins was taken to hospital. After the incident, the South African Tourist Board was issued a statement warning tourists not to approach wild animals while on safari.

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