5 reasons of my having come to the 10-th form в двух словах!

johnrich 18 ноября 2023

5 reasons of my having come to the 10-th form в двух словах! Например: 1) не определился с будущей профессией. На английском, пожалуйста

категория: английский язык


There are some good reasons which made me come to the 10th form. Firstly, I haven't made up my mind yet what profession to choose. Now There are two years before I leave school to think over my future career. Secondly, I would like to get further education in an institute or a university, so I will have to pass the State Exams. I am sure my school will provide me with all necessary knowledge to pass the exams successfully. And last but not least, my friends and my teachers are those who make my life happier and more exciting. I am not ready to leave them now.

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