7 класс Complete the text

andisi 18 ноября 2023

7 класс Complete the text. Use the correct form of the Present Simple or the Present Continuous. Hi Jemma. My name’s Leo. I hope youare enjoying (enjoy) your first month of home education. I … (study) at home and I … (think) it’s much better than school! I usually … (work) for about five hours a day. My mum … (not give) me “lessons” every day but she … (help) me a lot. This month we … (learn) about Europe. My weekends are usually free, but I … (practise) the saxophone a lot at the moment for a music exam. Good luck!

категория: английский язык


Hi Jemma. My name’s Leo. I hope you are enjoying your first month of home education. I study at home and I think it’s much better than school! I usually work for about five hours a day. My mum does not give me “lessons” every day but she helps me a lot. This month we are learning about Europe. My weekends are usually free, but I am practising the saxophone a lot at the moment for a music exam. Good luck!

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