9. Complete the sentences using the adverbs in brackets in the right…

smith 11 ноября 2023

9. Complete the sentences using the adverbs in brackets in the right place. 1. Mrs. Connoly went downstairs (slowly).

категория: английский язык


По моему так.1. Mrs. Connoly slowly went downstairs. 2. Ruth looked carefully in the box.3. The two best brothers say they work at home. 4. Jane every afternoon practises playing the piano there.5. The little girl was crying loudly in her room 6. The children antagonized loudly their neighbours by playing music yesterday.7. Mothers sometimes complain that their children always don't appreciate them.8. The boys ran quickly at the approach of a policeman upstairs .9. The children hardly ever played table tennis in the gym last summer .10. John said he definitely would be meeting Belinda on Saturday

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