a) make up the questions for a quiz

murz8 02 ноября 2023

a) make up the questions for a quiz. 1) Which / large / continent / world? 2) Which / far / plenet / from the sun? 3) Which / deep / okean / world? 4) Where/ the Eiffel Tower? 5) Where / the Statue of Liberty? 6) How many / continents? 7) What / the capital of Italy?

категория: английский язык


1) Which is the largest continent in the world? 2) Which planet is the furthest from the Sun? 3) Which ocean is the deepest in the world? 4) Where is the the Eiffel Tower situated? 5) Where is the Statue of Liberty situated? 6) How many continents are there in the Earth? 7) What is the capital of Italy?

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