A) One day neighbours asked Hodzha: "We heard some noises in your…

pblar 26 октября 2023

A) One day neighbours asked Hodzha: "We heard some noises in your house last night. What was happening? ", Hodzha told them: "My cloak fell down thestairs". They replied "But Hodzha, isn't a cloak made out of cloth? It couldn't have made that much noise! ' Hodzha answered impatiently: "Well, i was in it! '

категория: английский язык


A) One day neighbours asked Hodzha: "We heard some noises in your houseA) One day neighbours asked Hodzha: "We heard some noises in your house last night. What was happening? ", Hodzha told them: "My cloak fell down the stairs". They replied "But Hodzha, isn't a cloak made out of cloth? It couldn't have made that much noise! ' Hodzha answered impatiently: "Well, i wa Hodzha entered the teashop one day and said: 'The moon is more useful than the sun."Why, Hodzha? " they inquired. "Because we need the light more during the night when it's dark than during the day time when it's light

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