А) в Present Simple: They (listen , listens) to the news every…

bugsyn1 03 октября 2023

А) в Present Simple: They (listen , listens) to the news every day . Mr. Hyde (have , has) a house of his own . The boy (play , plays) footballvery well . Mother (cook , cooks) very well . We usually (watch , watches) TV in the evening . My parents (get up , gets up) early in the morning . I (like , likes) to see soap-operas on TV . (Do , does) you live in a big town? (Do , does) he help his parents about the house? (Do , does) they have a car?

категория: английский язык


They listen to the news every day. My Hyde has a house of his own. The boy plays football very well. Mother cooks very well. We usually watch TV in the evening. My parents get up early in the morning. I like to see soap-operas on TV. Do you live in a big town? Does he help his parents about the house? Do they have a car?

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