a young girl,Goldilocks by name,lives in some fairy land

elifas 13 сентября 2023

a young girl,Goldilocks by name,lives in some fairy land.One day she (1. walk) … through the forest.suddenly she (see) … .a small house.she (knock) … at the door but nobody (answer) … She (come) … in and (go) … to the kitchen with a table and three chairs around it.She (eat) … some porridge from each of the three plates that (stand) ,,,on the table and (drink) … . some milk.At the end of the story three bears (come) … back home,they (find) … her asleep in the bed room but she (wake) ,,,,,, up, (jump) ,,,,,, out of the window and (run) ,,,, away.

категория: английский язык


1.walked2. saw3.knocked4.answered5.come6.went7.ate8.were9.drank10.came11.found12.woke13… jumped14.ran

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13 сентября 2023

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