Art is long, life is short. Love in my life

cerbak228 28 октября 2023

Art is long, life is short. Love in my life. Помогите пожалуйста с сочинениямипо 10 предложений примерно на каждое сочинение

категория: английский язык


1.Love is a very important thing in my life. Love — means to live by the life of someone you love. L.N. Tolstoy.Certainly I cannot answer, because it`s all in the feelings and sensations, but response in a few words, even in the proposal — it is something impossible, it is primarily a feeling which can not be transferred by something. Realize that if it were not for love, for which we lived? Love — is necessary for all, not all can give it, or respond to it in return. You love — you are loved, you change — you are changed, this is life … and nothing can be done. Someone is very bad, but someoneis perfect, someone loves, and is loved and someone is sad. And so every day, it goes every minute, second, forever…

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