ask and answer questions about what's happened today

yulyashka 02 октября 2023

ask and answer questions about what's happened today. Dave/go to the doctor √ Has Dave been to the doctor? Yes, he has1.Maddy /make a phone call ×

категория: английский язык


Dave/go to the doctor. Has Dave been to the doctor? Yes, he has.1.Maddy /make a phone call.Has Maddy made a phone call? Yes, she has. Maddy has made a phone call. 2.Marta / have a shower.Has Marta had a shower? Yes, she has. Marta has had a shower.3.Mike and Emma / write an article.Have Mike and Emma written an article? Yes, they have. Mike and Emma have written an article.4.Nelson / take some photos.Has Nelson taken some photos? Yes, he has. Nelson has taken some photos.5.Emre and Rosanna /see a film.Have Emre and Rosanna seen a film? Yes, they have. Emre and Rosanna have seen a film. Если я правильно поняла.=)

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