Будь-ласка допоможіть написати твір на тему моя улюбленна…

nu-nrg 08 ноября 2023

Будь-ласка допоможіть написати твір на тему моя улюбленна телепередача! Можна якісь любі, цікаві передачі! Або про твірин, подорож, тпрозірок…

категория: английский язык


My favourite TV programme is “While Everyone’s at Home” .My parents and my brother like it too, so we watch it all together.In this programme we meet interesting people.They tell us about themselves and their work, introduce members of their families.The atmosphere of the programme is very friendly and informal.The participants often tell amusing stories and make jokes.Sometimes I feel as if they are our guests, our close friends, sitting with us in our living-room.Another interesting feature of this pro-gramme is the “do-it-yourself” part.My brother is especially interested in it.He often tries to make the things they describe.I also like this programme because it makes our family more united.

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