Choose and complete.1) There are 3 pacjs of…

silken 10 сентября 2023

Choose and complete.1) There are 3 pacjs of… a) chocolate b) eggs c) juice2) There is a bottle of… a) sugar b) bananas c) milk3) There are 2 jars of… a) olives b) rise c) sweets4) There is a can of… a) tea b) cola c) salt5) They have got a bar ofa) apples b) coffee c) chocolate6) I`ve got a carton of… a) meat b) juise c) onions7) There are some bags of… a) flour b) chocolate c) coca cola

категория: английский язык


1) There are 3 packs of… b) eggs 2) There is a bottle of… c) milk3) There are 2 jars of… a) olives 4) There is a can of… b) cola 5) They have got a bar of c) chocolate6) I`ve got a carton of… b) juice 7) There are some bags of… a) flour

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