Choose the right form of the verb and ask questons

peerl 30 августа 2023

Choose the right form of the verb and ask questons.Your daughter has (written/wrote) her first novel. (What novel…?) The boys have (find/found) an old cage in their garden recently. (Where…?) The scientists havenot (discussed/disuss) the problem yet. (What…?) Alex and Mike have (feed/fed) these little monkeys because they very hungry. (Why…?) He has (got/get) several animals at home. (Who…?)

категория: английский язык


Your daughter has written her first novel. What novel has your daughter written? The boys have found an old cage in their garden recently. Where have the boys found an old cage? The scientists have not discussed the problem yet.What have not the scientists discussed yet? Alex and Mike have fed these little monkeys because they very hungry. Why have Alex and Mike fed these little monkeys? He has got several animals at home. Who has got several animals at home?

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