Что вставить? 1. All the marks…?

shwepsik 29 августа 2023

Что вставить? 1. All the marks… in the teacher's notebook. А.wrote в. writing с. are written2. She likes the purse… you bought her in Florence. А. when в. whose с. which3.Where is the computer…? А. keeping в. keep с. kept4. You… allowed to eat sweets in class. А. not в. aren't с. don't5. There's the boy… the guitar at the club. А. which played в. played с. who played6.I've got a friend… father is a pilot. А. that в. whose с. which7. We're going to the hotel… we stayed last year. А.which в.that с. where8… . expected to tidy my room once a week. А. I'm в. it с. i'll9. Did you know the boy… spoke to in the park? А. which we в. what we с. we10. Can I have the books… gave you last week? А. what I в. I с. when I

категория: английский язык


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