Cлченение на тему why do we learn foreign languages

osminozh 22 октября 2023

Cлченение на тему why do we learn foreign languages

категория: английский язык


Ilike to study English. It is really great to find out about English people. cities and events. At our lessons we read interesting books, translate from Englishintо Russian, learn newwords. We speak about interesting people, English teaches me to think, to speak, it helps me to find friends.The English teacher is very good andkind. It is difficult forme to learn English poems and songs by heart but I try. I know thatEnglish will help me in my future profession. Мне нравится изучать английский язык. Этодействительно здорово узнавать об английском народе. Городах и событиях. На наших уроках мы читаем интересные книги, переводим с английского на русский, учим новые слова. Мы говорим об интересных людях, английский язык учит менядумать, говорить, помогает мне найти друзей. Учитель английского языка оченьхороший и добрый. Для меня трудно учить английские стихи и песнинаизусть, но я стараюсь. Я знаю, что английский язык поможет мне в моей будущейпрофессии.

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22 октября 2023
С этого текста нужно сделать пересказ, выбрать главное и важное. Не большой и не маленький, средний. Хорошо было бы, если еще своими словами, заменялислова из текста на свои.Moscow is the capital of Russia and the most populous city in the country. Founded in 1147 on the Moskva River be Prince Yury Dolgoruky, the city grew rapidly and in the 16th century Moscow was made the capital of the country by Tsar Ivan the Terrible.Today Moscow is the largest city in Europe and one of the largest cities on the world with the population of more than 10 million people. It is a major political, cultural, scientific, religious, financial, educational, and transportation centre of Russia.Red Square with the Kremlin is the centre of Moscow, These are the most popular tourist destinations. Read Square is the place for parades and bit national and international concerts.St. Basil's Cathedral in Red Square is a masterpiece of Russian architecture. The Cathedral was erected to commemorate Russia's victory over the Kazan Kingdom in the 16th century. The monument to Minin and Pozharsky.Moscow built in memory of the victory over the Polish invaders, can be seen in front of the Cathedral. The State History Museum, the museum of Russian history, is situated opposite St. Basil's Cathedral. It is one of the biggest museums in Moscow with the exhibitions that range from relics of the prehistoric tribes inhabiting present-day Russia to priceless artworks acquired by members of the Romanov dynasty. On the territory of the Kremlin one can see ancient cathedrals that are real architectural masterpieces. The Bell Tower of Ivan the Great, the Cathedral of the Dormition, the Cathedral of the Annunciation, the Palace of Congress, The Tsar-Cannon and the Tsar-Bell, the biggest cannon and bell in the world can be seen there. The Spasskaya Tower, the tallest tower, is the symbol of the Kremlin.

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