Complete the following sentenses with a/an,the or no article.1

morzhy 07 сентября 2023

Complete the following sentenses with a/an,the or no article.1. Complete the following sentenses with a/an,theor no article.1… .Tom is … . little boy.

категория: английский язык


1… .Tom is a little boy.2… . Tom is… little.3… .Bob and … Tom are … . friends.4. Where is a red ball? -It's in the kitchen.5.I have got a red ball. The ball is big.6… . Mr Black was in … Russia … last year.7.I have got an aunt. She has got a nice rabbit.8.They have got … . friends in … Great Britain.9… different anomals live in … Africa.10.Have you got a pet?

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