Complete the following sententences 1.if i were sixteen, i would…

aglowt 14 октября 2023

Complete the following sententences 1.if i were sixteen, i would… 2.if i could travel every summer… 3.if i were depressed as you are… 4. if you triedyour chance, you might… 5. if he were invited to this party, he… 6. if i lived in new zealand, i… 7. if they could speak all european languages. they…

категория: английский язык


1.if i were sixteen, i would subscribe to dance school. 2.if i could travel every summer I'd visit all of 7 miracles of the world. 3.if i were depressed as you are I would definitely go to village. 4. if you tried your chance, you might be a winner. 5. if he was invited to this party, he would probably give up, beacause he doesn't like them at all. 6. if i lived in new zealand, i would play an australian rugby. 7. if they could speak all european languages they would study at some university at Europe. Поставь «Лучшее решение», если несложно простым кликом.

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