Complete the senteceswiththe comparative form or thesuperlative form…

sibigo 14 сентября 2023

Complete the senteceswiththe comparative form or thesuperlative form of the given adjectives.Sam IS SHORTER THAN Tom.Sam IS THE SHORTEST boy in the class. 1) Winter … .season of the year. (cold) 2) Winter… autumn. (cold) 3_Summer … spring. (warm) 4) Summer… season of the year. (warm) 5) KAte… pupil in our class. (good) 6) Ann… Kate (lazy) 7) Bears… .wolves (big) 8) Bears… .animals in this forest, (big) 9) Ann… girl in her class (happy)

категория: английский язык


Is the coldestis colderis warmer thanis the warmestis the bestis lazier thanbiggerthe biggestthe happiest

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