Complete the sentences with a \ an \ some, if necessary.…

nikk37 31 августа 2023

Complete the sentences with a \ an \ some, if necessary. 1. __________ glass of _________ orange juice, please. 2. When i came info the room, there was__________ big red apple, ______ orange and ________ apricots on the plate. 3. Would you like _____ apple juice? — Yes, please. 4. The lady always has _______ chocolate cakes and ____________ cup of ______ tea in the late afternoon. 5. Could you buy _________ milk and two strawberry yoghurts for Alice? 6. In the magazine, you can find _________ easy salad recipe, which you can try at home!

категория: английский язык


1. A glass of an orange juice, please. 2. When icame into the room, there was a big red apple, an orangeand apricots on the plate. 3. Would you like some apple juice? — Yes, please. 4. The lady always has some chocolate cakes and a cup of tea in the late afternoon. 5. Could you buy some milk and two strawberry yoghurts for Alice? 6. In themagazine, you can find an easy salad recipe, which you can try athome!

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