Complete the sentences with the correct time expression

levbereg 10 ноября 2023

Complete the sentences with the correct time expression. 1) it'll be dark __ we get home. (while / by the time) 2) The computer won't work __ you plug it in! (after / until) 3) __ it is nine o'clock,lessons begin. (As soon as / While) 4) Leo will have a great time __ he is in Cairo. (by the time / while) 5) My parents will be pleased __ they get my exam results. (when / until) 6) Elsa is going to look for a flat __ she arrives in London. (after /while)

категория: английский язык


1. By the time2. Until3. While4. While5. When6. After

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10 ноября 2023

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