Complete the sentences with verbs from the brackets

ivan-kalashnikov 27 октября 2023

Complete the sentences with verbs from the brackets (won’t arrive, might come, could, ‘ll probably need, might become, won’t need, may have, ‘llrain)

категория: английский язык


1. The manager probably won’t arrive, until later. 2. I can’t find my umbrella. Do you think it‘ll rain? 3. – When is Marc coming to see us? — Perhaps this weekend. He might come on Saturday. 4. Bring the map with you. We‘ll probably need it to find their house. 5. I haven’t been well recently. I may have to go to hospital. 6. There is nobody here today. Could you call back next week? 7. You can take the laptop. I probably won't need it today. 8. He’s very good at running. He might become a professional.

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