Complete the text. Use the correct form of the Past Simple

dmitryuir 18 сентября 2023

Complete the text. Use the correct form of the Past Simple. I (visit) _ Istanbul in 1995,1 (go) _ there with my friend. We only (speak) __ English unfortunately. Sometimes people (not understand) _ us, but it (not matter) _ . They (be). very friendly. We (see) _ many beautiful buildings including the Aуа Sophia Mosque. We (not have) _ much money so we (try) _ to live cheaply. We (cat) _ a lot of break and cheese. We (have) _ a wonderful time in Turkey and I'm sure we'll go buck there some day.

категория: английский язык


I visited Istanbul in 1995,1 went there with my friend. We only spoke English unfortunately. Sometimes people did not understand us, but it was not matter. They were very friendly. We saw many beautiful buildings including the Aуа Sophia Mosque. We did not have much money so we tried to live cheaply. We ate a lot of break and cheese. We had a wonderful time in Turkey and I'm sure we'll go back there some day.

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