complete the text with in or at!

strannik007 24 сентября 2023

complete the text with in or at! Chris wakes up 1) … seven o' clock 2) … . the morning. He dresses and has breakfast 3) … 7:30. Heleaves home for school 4) … 8:30.He has his lessons and at around 1:30 5) … the afternoon,he hfs his lunch at school.He comes back home 6) … . the evening. He does his homework and 7) … seven o' clock he has dinner.Then he plays on his PlayStation.He always goes to sleep 8) … about ten 9) … night.

категория: английский язык


Chris wakes up 1) at seven o' clock 2) in the morning. He dresses and has breakfast 3) at 7:30. He leaves home for school 4) at 8:30.He has his lessons and at around 1:30 5) in the afternoon,he hfs his lunch at school.He comes back home 6) in the evening. He does his homework and 7) at seven o' clock he has dinner.Then he plays on his PlayStation.He always goes to sleep 8) at about ten 9) at night

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