Complete these sentences with the missing words where necessary

dream-tim 19 октября 2023

Complete these sentences with the missing words where necessary.1) On his desert island Robinson Crusoe had to struggle … his life. 2) The wind blew … the candle and we found ourselves in the dark. 3) Sam smiled … us so cheerfully, that we all smiled back. 4) Just push … the door and it will open. 5) Americans had to struggle … their independence … Britain. 6) This river winds … the forest. 7) Hold me firmly … the hand: you can get lost in the crowd. 8) Can you hear a noise? I think someone ia knocking … the window. 9) Is there a bank close … your house? 10) I am so hungry I could eat a whole bowl … porridge.

категория: английский язык


1) For2) On3) At4) -5) For/From6) Through7) By8) On9) To10) Of

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