Corect the mistakesMy name is Paul. This is my family

erzgerzeg 05 сентября 2023

Corect the mistakesMy name is Paul. This is my family. These is me father and this is my mather. My father is fifty five and my mather is forty eighth. And who are these? This men is my fathers brother, he is my aunt. My mather is a housewife. And this is my mothers sister. She is my uncle, his name is Kate.And what s your uncle s name? He name is Peter. He is a worker and his wife is an engineer.This are my two sisters: Ann and Jane. Ann is not married. Her husband is a lawyer. Jane is only siksteen, she is a skoolgirl. Очень срочно, прошу! Помогите!

категория: английский язык


My name is Paul. This is my family. THIS is MY father and this is my MOTHER. My father is fifty five and my MOTHER is forty EIGHT. And who are these? This MAN is my FATHER'S brother, he is my UNCLE. My MOTHER is a housewife. And this is my MOTHER'S sister. She is my AUNT, HER name is Kate.And WHAT'S your UBCLE'S name? HIS name is Peter. He is a worker and his wife is an engineer.THESE are my two sisters: Ann and Jane. Ann is married. Her husband is a lawyer. Jane is only SIXTEEN, she is a SCHOOLGIRL.

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