Correct the mistakes. 1.My friends want to be policeman.…

sanyaprof 28 сентября 2023

Correct the mistakes. 1.My friends want to be policeman. 2.There is some ice cream in the box,isn't it? 3.Jane have never been to Boston. 4.You never dothe shopping in the evening,don't you? 5.Were you ever in Rostov? 6.Why do these children sleeping now? 7.We have hear the news.We know everything. 8.-Who goes to the stadium in the morning? -My sisters go.

категория: английский язык


1.My friends want to be policemen. 2.There is some ice cream in the box, isn't there? 3.Jane has never been to Boston. 4.You have never done the shopping in the evening,haven't you? 5. Have you ever been to Rostov? 6.Why are these children sleeping now? 7.We have heard the news.We know everything. 8.-Who goes to the stadium in the morning? -My sisters do. — если вы говорите о регулярных действиях (Кто ходит на стадион по утрам постоянно?) Who is going to the stadium in the morning? -My sisters are. — если это одноразовое действие в будущем -! Спорное предложение!

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