Correct the mistakes if there are any. Let’s wait a little

kostya_czu 09 сентября 2023

Correct the mistakes if there are any. Let’s wait a little. He hasn’t phone yet. Have you heard the news? Tom and Lucy gotmarried. Is Jill in the office? — I don’t know. I haven’t seen her all day. I am at university since nine o’clock. It’s the first time he have given us an interview. Sorry, Colin, I haven’t still booked the flight. Karen has been to the baker’s. She’ll be home very soon. Have you finished the project? – Yes, we have. We’ve finished it two days ago. Sharonhas been on the phone for ages. John hasn’t answered my letter not yet. My husband doesn’t sleep very well recently. He has been one of the leading fashion designers from the early 1980s. I haven’t saw Martha for months. How’s she?

категория: английский язык


Let's wait a little. he hasn't phoned yet. have you heard the news? Tom and Lusy have got married. Is Jill in the office& — i don't know. I haven't seen her all day. i am at university since nine o'clock. It's the first time he has given us an interview. Sorry, Colin, I haven't still booked the flight. Karen has been to the baker's. She'll be at home very soon. Have you finished the project? — Yes, we had. We've finished it two days ago. Sharon has been on the phone for ages. John hasn't answered to my letter yet. My husband doesn't sleep very well recently. He has been one of the leading fashion desingers from the early 1980s. I haven't saw Martha for months. How is she? Так наверное!

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