'Don't swim in the lake,' he said,

kipling 06 ноября 2023

'Don't swim in the lake,' he said, (warned) 2 'How long are you going to stay? ' he said, (asked) 3 'I've got too much homework to do', she said (complained) 4 Let's go to the cinema,' he said, (suggested) 5 'I didn't steal the money,' he said, (denied) 6 'You'd better see a doctor,' she said to me. (advised) 7 'Call us when you arrive,' he said to Ann. (reminded) 8 'I won't do it,' he said, (refused) 9 'OK, I'll help them,' she said, (agreed) 10 'Please, please, don't tell anyone,' she said, (begged) ПЕРЕДЕЛАЙТЕ В КОСВЕННУЮ, ПОЖАЛУЙСТА

категория: английский язык


1. He warned not to swim in the lake.2. he asked me how long i was going to stay.3. She complained that she had got too much homework to do.4. He suggested to go to the cinema.5. He denied stealing the money.6. She advised me to see a doctor.7. Ann reminded to call them when we arrived8. He refused to do that.9. She agreed to help them.10. She begged me not to tell anyone.

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