Дополните предложения 1.The meeting held… 2.The picture drawn by…

deadmau5 13 октября 2023

Дополните предложения 1.The meeting held… 2.The picture drawn by… 3.The house built in… 4.The bag found… 5.The song composed… 6.The book read…

категория: английский язык


1in cafe2artist3 city4 in cinema5 by composor6 very good

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
13 октября 2023
13 октября 2023
PRESENT PERFECT / PAST SIMPLEрешите 1. «You _______ (hear) about the Azeri restaurant Marquise de Salade? » «Yes we _______ (be) there for my father's birthday.» 2. «You _______ (be) out of Europe? » «Yes I _______ (be) to Canada, Morocco and Turkey.» «And which you _______ (like) best? » 3. It _______ (stop) raining yet? 4. How long is it since they _______ (be) at your place? 5. You _______ (meet) my fiancée yet? 6. How it_______ (get) into my pocket? 7. You _______ (forget) to book the tickets, _______you? 8. How long is it since you last _______ (talk)? 9. When he _______ (say) he would come? 10. I _______ (see) him the other day.11. We _______ (run out) of beer.12. «You _______ (pay) the bills? » «Not yet. I _______ (have) a spare minute during the day.» 13 He certainly meant what he _______ (say).14. As soon as the match _______ (start) the audience _______ (begin) shouting.15,It _______ (be) no use arguing with him at that time.16. You _______ (see) the new Santana video? 17.Why you _______ (call) me? 18.You_______ (remember) to water the plants before we left? 19.You _______ (come) to school by car today? 20.Where you _______ (be) during the meeting? 21. «When one door closes, another opens, but we often look so long and so regretfully upon the closed door that we do not see the one that _______ (open) for us.» — Alexander Graham Bell22. «Perhaps my greatest strength, and I've no idea where it _______ (come) from, is that I never _______ (be) afraid to fail.» — Tim Watson23, «There are two possible outcomes: If the result confirms the hypothesis, then you _______ (make) a measurement. If the result is contrary to the hypothesis, then you _______ (make) a discovery.» — Fermi

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