Ex 4. complete the reported questions. use a wh-word or how?

dfkthbz 25 октября 2023

Ex 4. complete the reported questions. use a wh-word or how? 1 I askex 4. complete the reported questions. use a wh-word or how? 1 I asked where she was going and she said she was going to the beach 2 I asked her? and she said her name was Jane 3 she asked me? and I told her I lived in london 4 she asked me? and told me her my favourite writer was Pushkin 5 she asked me? and told me her I had been to paris 6 I asked me? and she said her favourite sport was tennis 7 I asked her? on the beach and she said she liked to sswim and to read 8 I asked her? and she said she was leaving the next day

категория: английский язык


2 I asked her what her name was and she said her name was Jane 3 She asked me where I lived and I told her I lived in London 4 She asked me who my favourite writer was and I told her my favourite writer was Pushkin 5 She asked me where I had been and I told her I had been to Paris6 I asked her what her favourite sport was and she said her favourite sport was tennis 7 I asked her why she spent much time on the beach and she said she liked to swim and to read 8 I asked her when she was leaving and she said she was leaving the next day

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