Express the same in a different…

lexxxx1808 23 октября 2023

Express the same in a different way.1) You should include this name on the list. This name should … 2) Don't damage these trees: they look so beautiful! These trees shouldn't… 3) Animals die out if people destroy their habitats. Animals die out if their habitats… 4) The vet cured the dog with great difficulty. The dog … 5) Let's not endanger animals. Animals must not… 6) During the war fascists destroyed a lot of cities and villages. A lot of cities and villages…

категория: английский язык


1) This name should be included on the list.2) These trees shouldn't be damaged because they are so beautiful.3) Animals die out if their habitats will be destroyed by humans.4) The dog was cured by the vet with great difficulty. 5) Animals must not be endangered.6) A lot of cities and villiages were destroyed by fascists durind the war.

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