Fill in the gaps. Use the prepositions that go with work / get / give

vovanfun 17 ноября 2023

Fill in the gaps. Use the prepositions that go with work / get / give. 1. How long has she been … working… this company? 2. Cathy has beenworking … her essay for two weeks already. She is going to take part in a contest for young writers. 3. When people share a room, the best way to avoid quarrels is to work … a set of rules everybody should observe. 4. Get … of my room! I don't want to listen to you any longer. 5. I'll never forgive you if you if give … my secret. 6. Sally and Julia have been sharing a room for two years. They get … with each other and never quarrel, actually.

категория: английский язык


-, in, with, in, out, up, together

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