Fill in the gaps with the correct form of an adverb.1

psygab 10 октября 2023

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of an adverb.1. I exercise regularly in summer but more … in winter.2. She usually walks slowly but now she is walking even … .3. Nina speaks loudly but Mary speaks even … . 4. He runsfast, … than other boys. 5. I don’t sleep enough, (little) … than8 hours. 6. He behaves badly, … than other boys. 7. I smileoften, (much) … than my sister. 8. Peter lives far from school,but Ann lives … .

категория: английский язык


1/more regulary2.even slower3.even louder4.more faster5 … ,less than 86. more badly7… .often,much more often than… 8. Ann lives farther

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