Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms and adverbs

nevperevorot 20 ноября 2023

Fill in the gaps with the correct verb forms and adverbs. Match the sentences with the rules. Have you watered the flowers vet? (water/already/yet) 1. We_____________graffiti from all the houses in our street. (wash off/just) ________ 2. My Dad is happy. I _________ to rake the leaves in the garden. (help) __________ 3. I _________five excellent marks at school__________. (get/today/just) ___________ 4. I can go to the cinema now. I _________ the poem. (learn/already/yet) ___________ 5. My brother ___________ tennis____________ 2 o’clock. (play/since/for) _____________ 6. I __________the violin_________two hours. (play/since/for) ___________

категория: английский язык


1. We just washed off graffiti from all the houses in our street2. I helped to rake the leaves in the garden3. I had get today five excellent marks at school4. I have already learnt the poem5. My brother playing tennis since 2'o clock.6. have been playing the violin for two hours

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