Find and correct mistakes in every sentence1) I comes home…

rai17 16 сентября 2023

Find and correct mistakes in every sentence1) I comes home at 52) Does you helps your panents? 3) What she is doing now? 4) He is tall than she 5) Did he sent her a card? 6) Will you comes tomorrow? 7) They have nevet be to Rome8) She doesn t has Ehglish lessons today9) Whete he went to have a nest? 10) Who did give you these flowers?

категория: английский язык


1) I come home at 52) Do you help your parents? 3) What is she doing now? 4) He is taller than she5) Did he send her a card? 6) Will you come tomorrow? 7) They have never been to Rome8) She doesn't have English lessons today9) не знаю 10) Who gave you those flowers?

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