Future Tenses 1) My uncle (make) a speech on Friday 2) I

anvador 27 сентября 2023

Future Tenses 1) My uncle (make) a speech on Friday 2) I (take) my sister to the ballet tomorrow 3) The cat (have) kittens4) He (play) at wimbledon next summer

категория: английский язык


1) My uncle will make a speech on Friday2) I will take my sister to the ballet tomorrow3) The cat will have kittens4) He will play at wimbledon next summer5) The headmaster is standing up. He will make a speeah6) He will not /won't give a leoture tonight7) I will know the result in a week8) You will have time to help me tomorrow9) Do you think he will recognize me? 10) Will I remember this day of my life? 11) Do you remember to book seats? Oh, I forget. I will telephone for then not12) You have got a lot of paint. You will redecor your kitchen13) You will open the door for me, please

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