HEEELP! Ребят, срочно нужно написать сочинение по англ. На сто слов…

mirmarket 13 ноября 2023

HEEELP! Ребят, срочно нужно написать сочинение по англ. На сто слов… Рассказ вернее. В нем должен участвовать вор, двое полицейских и двое детей, которые смотрят фильм на компе. Задние такое в книге Т-Т Муза меня покинула…

категория: английский язык


This is a story about my children, my house and a thief. Have you ever seen the movie “Home alone”? My story is almost the same. I live in a big house near the city. I inherited it under my grandfather’s will, whom I even didn’t know. So I sold my flat and came to the suburb. Also I inherited fields of grapes, so I had a lot of work to do. I have two sons of 10 and 12 years old. They are very fidgety. Building and crashing all around are their best games. Ones when I wasn’t at home, my lovely sons decided to shirk school. I wouldn’t know anything, but the call from police. When I came home I saw two policemen who were trying to pull out a man (who was appeared to be a thief) from the barrel of fermented grapes. It was so funny that I even stopped to worry. Poor man if only he knew about my little naughty boys he wouldn’t come to the house closer than one kilometer. Of course they are still children, but they can stand up for the house.

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