Help me! Нужно сочинение 10 — 12 предложений на тему My city and it's…

dimbars 06 ноября 2023

Help me! Нужно сочинение 10 — 12 предложений на тему My city and it's problems (saint — peterburg)

категория: английский язык


I live in St.Petersburg. The city was founded in 1703 by Peter the Great. It's a cultural centre of Russia. There are a lot of monuments, museums and art galleries. Lots of people come there to go sightseeing. Foreigners also come to St. Petersburg to go to see the beauty of the city. The main problem in my city is big population. About 5 million people live in my city. Another problem is that there's a lot of transport which causes traffic jams and pollution of the environment. In fact there are lots of other problems and we have to solve them. Nevertheless, I enjoy leaving in this old and great city

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