I. Makethe following sentences (a) negativeb) interrogative

irinika 18 сентября 2023

I. Makethe following sentences (a) negativeb) interrogative.

категория: английский язык


1.Liz is not trying to fix her washing machineIs Liz trying to fix her washing machine? 2.we were not having lunch when our uncle came.were you having lunch when your uncle came? 3.she has not already started her new job.has she already started her new job? 4.by the end of the year he had not learnt to speak Frenchhad he learnt to speak French by the end of the year? 5.my secretary has not been typing the report for five hours.has your secretary been typing the for 5 hours?

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Другие вопросы по английскому языку
18 сентября 2023
Составьте по этому тексту 5 вопросов… It is easy to be rude on the Continent. You just shout and call people names of a zoological character.In England rudeness has quite a different technique. If somebody tells you an obviously untrue story, on the Continent you would remark, "You are a liar, Sir, and rather dirty one at that." In England you just say, "Oh, is that so? " or "That's rather an unusual story, isn't it? "When some years ago, knowing ten words in English and using them all wrong, I applied for a translator's job, my would-be employer (or would-be-not-employer) softly remarked, "I am afraid your English is somewhat unorthodox."This translated into any continental language would mean, "Kick this gentleman down the steps! "In the 19th century, when a wicked and unworthy subject annoyed the Sultan of Turkey or the Tzar of Russia, he had his head cut off without much ceremony; but when the same happened in England, the monarch declared, "We are not amused," and the whole British nation even now, a century later, is immensely proud of how rude their Queen was.Terribly rude expressions (if pronounced seriously) are: "I am afraid that… ", "unless… ", "nevertheless… ", "How queer… " and "1 am sorry, but… "It is true that quite often you can hear remarks like: "You'd better see that you get out of here! " or "Shut your big mouth! " or "Dirty pig! " etc. These remarks are very un-English and are the results of foreign influence. (Dating back, however, to the era of the Danish invasion.)

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