I _____ running since I was 9 years…

alex43tm 07 ноября 2023

I _____ running since I was 9 years old. My_____is to compete for Great Britain in the European_____ professional and to become a_____sportsman.

категория: английский язык


I have been going in for running since I was 9 years old. My ambition is to compete for Great Britain in the European top professional and to become a professional sportsman. Last year I won the Young Sportsman of the Year championships. I tried hard and set a record for top the 100 matres. I`d like to be an Olympic swimmer one day.I want to win a gold medal.I know it is hard to train properly and hardif I want to achienve my ambition. I first started playing the piano when I was six.My teacher says that I have musical ability.But it is necessary to work a lot if I want to become a professional.

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