II. Перепишите следующие предложения…

shwepsik 15 октября 2023

II. Перепишите следующие предложения, дайте полную форму сокращенного «s» (is, has), переведите предложения на русский язык. Образец: 1. My father's just come — My father has just come.2. He's forty years old. He is forty years old.3. She's got two sisters and one brother. She has got two sisters and one brother.4. He's not wearing his glasses today. He is not wearing his glasses today 1. He's angry now. Don't ask him anything. 2. Can you open the window? It's stuffy here. 3. She's got long fair hair. 4. Her brother's doing the crossword puzzle now. 5. — Is Mr. Brown in? — No, he's just left the office.

категория: английский язык


1. He is angry now. Do not ask him anything.2. Can you open the window? It is stuffy there.3. She has got long fair hair.4. Her brother is doing the crossword puzzle now.5. Is Mr. Brown in? — No, he has just left the office.

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