Imagine you have moved to another country

larets 10 сентября 2023

Imagine you have moved to another country. Make notes on your new home and your new routine. Пожалуйста напишите в виде письма! Как будто пишешь лучшему другу.

категория: английский язык


Dear Mum and Dad.Im happy to be here in London for our holidays.Im having a incredible time and i just love London.Me and my friend staying at Royal Hotel.The weather is cold but good for skiing.It; s snow around and i have christmas mood.We'r never bored and spend most owr days on skiing and shoping and we are just having breathtaking times.The food here very delicious. we're constantly hang out in different coffe boxes.I cant's wait to see attractoins.So everyone having great time here.See you later. love you mom and dad.

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