Insert the correct preposition.1. The students of my group succeeded …

koloshkun 20 октября 2023

Insert the correct preposition.1. The students of my group succeeded … winning the match. 2. She prevented me … going out late in the evening. 3. Our country is participating … . developing science. 4. My father get used … .reading newspapers at breakfast. 5. They are capable … .achieving excellent results. 6. I am looking forward … .meeting you at our scientific conference next year.Choose the Gerund or to-infinitive.1. My friend is capable of running/to run very fast. 2. I refuse doing/to do this work alone.3. We apologize for coming late/to come late. 4. I hope to achieve/achieving good results. 5. They are thinking of going/to go to the party next weekend. 6. I couldn't prevent him fromsaying/to say that rude thing. 7. We are willing joining/to join you at the restarant.

категория: английский язык


Insert the correct preposition.1. The students of my group succeeded in winning the match. 2. She prevented me from going out late in the evening. 3. Our country is participating in developing science. 4. My father get used to reading newspapers at breakfast. 5. They are capable of achieving excellent results. 6. I am looking forward to meeting you at our scientific conference next year. (в некоторых предложениях не очень уверена) Choose the Gerund or to-infinitive.1. My friend is capable of running very fast. 2. I refuse to do this work alone.3. We apologize for coming late late. 4. I hope to achieve good results. 5. They are thinking of going to the party next weekend. 6. I couldn't prevent him fromsaying that rude thing. 7. We are willing to join you at the restaurant.

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