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skl222 16 ноября 2023

Исправьте ошибки в тексте. Dear sir or madam, i want to express an admiration your wonderful hotel. I came to your city for a firsttime and i was surprised your beauty and greatness of your buildings. When I got into the hotel, I felt a warm and comfortable atmosphere. At reception post to me friendly served, porter has told history his city, about architectural monuments, places of interest and the date of base this hotel. My room i very liked too. It was a good tidy, bright and beautifully decorated place. I excellent had a rest in your place, but routine duties made me urgently to returne to home. I was late (ing, незнаю как. Имеется в виду я опаздывал) for the plane and when entered in cabin I realized that i have forgotten my small bag at hotel. In this bag were important paper necessary me for work. Please, promt me how i can to returne my bag? I need to go to you or you can somehow to deliver it?

категория: английский язык


Dear sir or madam, i want to express an admiration your wonderful hotel. I came to your city for a first time and i was surprised your beauty and greatness of your buildings. When I got into the hotel, I felt a warm and comfortable atmosphere. At reception post to me friendly served, porter has told history his city, about architectural monuments, places of interest and the date of base this hotel. My room i very liked too. It was a good tidy, bright and beautifully decorated place. I excellent had a rest in your place, but routine duties made me urgently to returne to home. I was late (ing, незнаю как. Имеется в виду я опаздывал) for the plane and when entered in cabin I realized that i have forgotten my small bag at hotel. In this bag were important paper necessary me for work. Please, promt me how i can to returne my bag? I need to go to you or you can somehow to deliver it?

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