IV. Open the brackets. 1) He (sell) his car last month

saitcreator 06 ноября 2023

IV. Open the brackets. 1) He (sell) his car last month. 2) They just (finished) their work. 3) We (speak) about his plans now. 4) I sometimes (go) tomuseums with my sister. 5) Alice (not wash up) yet. 6) The pupils (study) Biology last year? 7) She (buy) fresh vegetables this morning? 8) He (take) out rubbish tomorrow.

категория: английский язык


1) He sold his car last month. 2) They just finished their work. 3) We are speaking about his plans now. 4) I sometimes go to museums with my sister. 5) Alice hasn't washed up yet. 6) The pupils studied Biology last year? 7) She is buying fresh vegetables this morning? 8) He will take out rubbish tomorrow.

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