IV. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences…

angelizwetok 03 сентября 2023

IV. The word in capitals above each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank in this way. Example: IMPRESS Her dance made a great … on my friends. — Her dance made a great impression on my friends. 1. SAFE One thing that American teachers are very concerned about is the … of our children. 2. COMPETE The International Library of Poetry has just announced an International Poetry … . 3. TRAVEL A sea voyage is the most romantic way of … . 4. WRITE Which American … was from California? 5. INDEPENDENT On the 4th, July the Americans celebrate their main holiday – the … Day

категория: английский язык


1. SAFE One thing that American teachers are very concerned about is the safety of our children. 2. COMPETE The International Library of Poetry has just announced an International Poetry competition . 3. TRAVEL A sea voyage is the most romantic way of travelling . 4. WRITE Which American writer was from California? 5. INDEPENDENT On the 4th, July the Americans celebrate their main holiday – the İndependence Day

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