Из данного текста нужной составить краткий пересказ своими словами!

divan87 11 сентября 2023

Из данного текста нужной составить краткий пересказ своими словами! Perhaps the greatest Russian love is tea. It's drunk without milk and is often served with homemade jam (varienye) , baranki (circles of dry pastry) and pirozhki (baked pastry with some filling). Russian-style tea is a special ceremony when people around a table with a samovar (tea-urn) placed in the middle, and drink hot strong tea with a slice of lemon either from cups or from glasses in glassholders

категория: английский язык


Possible the greatest love of a Russian person is tea. It is drunk without milk and often served with homemade jam, bagels and pies. Russian tea is a special ceremony when people sit around the table and samovar is located in the centre of this table, and drink hot strong tea with lemon from a cup or a glass in the holder.

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